Next Ignite: 2/13 at the CHAC


Ignite Crowd Photo from PDGibson

Bre and I have plotted with the owners of the CHAC to schedule another Ignite! We know that we need more space. We know that we need to keep the energy alive. We know that we need to top the last event. We know that we need to keep the bar nearby. We’re going to do all of those things and more…

The next Ignite is scheduled for… February 13th upstairs at the CHAC. The upstairs is huge and will be freshly renovated. It has high ceilings with lots of room for things to fly though the air.

Admission will be free. The format will be the same. The top-secret Make event will begin at 6:30 and go til 8:00. The Ask Later talks will begin at 8:30 and continue for three rounds with frequent breaks.

Start thinking now if you want to do an Ask Later talk. I’ll do a call for submissions in January.

We’ll give you one hint for Bre’s Make event: You’ll have to figure out how to save your chickens before they hatch.

Brady & Bre

PS – RSVP at Upcoming if you like

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